A stunning, fully formed lawn can be installed in hours at a surprisingly low cost
Why wait 1-2 years for a new lawn that struggles to maturity from seed when you can have excellent results overnight?
Medium fine in texture, Regal is a purpose grown turf using top rated STRI cultivars and is ideal for domestic lawns.
It contains a mixture of rye grass, fescues and smooth stalked meadow grass, providing a lawn that is hard wearing and resistant to many diseases.
Regal Turf
25% Bargold - Perennial Rye Grass
20% Barhelene - Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
10% Barswing - Chewings Fescue
20% Barpearl - Slender Creeping Red Fescue
25% Chopin - Strong Creeping Red Fescue
Convenience, efficiency and quality are the hallmarks of our Regal turf
Using Sovereign Regal Turf provides the finishing touch to your property and instantly creates a handsome garden as well as a robust, safe playing surface for children. It also immediately increases the market value of your property.
How much Turf do I need?
Note: Minimum Delivery 20 rolls.