A general-purpose peat-free growing medium suitable for a wide range of uses around the garden including potting-on, patio gardening, container growing and tree and shrub planting.
Key Features:
- Contains balanced slow-release fertilisers
- Manufactured from top-quality conifer bark and wood fibre, coir and green compost
- Dark brown in colour
- Consistent, fine and free-flowing
- RHS endorsed (when sold in 40-litre bags)
- Easy to handle and manage
- Manufactured from sustainable raw materials and containing no peat
- Balanced plant nutrients give optimum fertilisation for the first four to six weeks
Available in 40-litre bags
Packaging: Where used, the polythene packaging for this product has been manufactured using at least 30% post-consumer waste plastic. We are working with our suppliers to increase this level as quickly as we can.
40-litre Bags are 100% recyclable but check regionally for local recycling options.