Aco HexDrain Brickslot is a high-quality, high-strength domestic channel with black plastic 10mm slotted cover.
Internal width 95mm. Channels and covers manufactured from high-strength recycled polypropylene
Product Features:
- Hexagonal columns give the channel excellent strength for load bearing. This system is fully certified, and CE marked to Load Class A 15 BS EN 1433:2002
- Compliant with Part M of the Building Regulations for England Wales and Section 4 of the Scottish Building Standards
- Channels Clip together for easy and simple on-site fabrication
- A debris guard stops the ingress of sand and cement between units during the installation
- Off-set grating is ideal for use with up to 60mm block paving
- The off-set slot enables drainage location adjacent to walls and door threshold
- Discreet 10mm inlet slot tapered to prevent blockage
- Installation guide clearly marked on the brickslot cover
- Cutting guide to creating half-metre channels